San Francisco Bay Area
CE Credits: 36
This 4-day intensive hands-on course covers the science and practical in all areas of implant dentistry. It provides the most comprehensive summary and current updates in implants and esthetics.
Great emphasis will be placed on esthetic outcomes along with the biological approach to treatment. The interplay between the surgical and restorative aspects of implants will be emphasized throughout the course.
Due to the small setting, this highly personalized course allows for direct access to Dr. Dennis Tarnow to have independent discussions, but also allows collaborative discussion with all participants.
4-Day Course Package Includes:
Intense hands-on training
Training and one-on-one mentoring directly from Dr. Dennis Tarnow
Small group size with a maximum of 16 participants
All honoraria are paid by IDEA: no corporate influence or manufacturer representatives on campus
State-of-the-art, simulation laboratory including a surgical microscope at each work station
Networking with like-minded professionals from around the world
Bring your own cases. Discuss techniques and issues relevant to your practice
Hotel accommodations, beginning the night prior to the course and ending the morning after the course
Local transportation between the San Francisco International Airport (SFO), IDEA’s partner hotel and the IDEA facility
Meals: IDEA’s in-house chef serves breakfast and lunch freshly prepared. You will also enjoy a “Welcome” Reception and “Networking” Dinner on the first evening and the Graduation Ceremony and “Celebration” Dinner on the last evening of the course